Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Call of the Wild - Loving the Unlovely.

Rob praying with a young man
You could say the beginning of anything is not always easy. That's even in the Bible in Zechariah 4:10. Going from the dignity of renting our own home and earning our way, to the uncertainties of full time ministry and living by faith brought many radical lifestyle changes to adjust to. Anything people could offer at the time as a seed to begin our ministry was a crucial blessing to us. This included living room floors to sleep on, showers in peoples homes, canned foods and the like. These seemingly small offers where what kept us afloat for a while as we learned the ins and outs of running a ministry. 

Rob & Millie acting out a drama
At 23 and 21 years of age, many people were astonished by the faith and boldness we carried to accomplish such tasks. Most people our age were investing into finishing some sort of degree, starting their careers, and investing in properties. We, on the other hand felt the Lord was instructing us to go to the darkest places to tell the people lost in hurt and rejection what God had done for us and that they too can join the family!

Ministry at a Goth/Metal Show
The Lord opened many doors for us to enter bars and clubs to preach the Gospel. Rob and I put together a small drama of our testimonies. We would often get into these places with a band or friends connections, perform our drama, preach to the crowd and offer to pray for anyone who wanted prayer. This was so effective and people were coming to the knowledge of Jesus everywhere we went! It became so successful that when the Church heard what we were doing we started receiving multiple invitations to encourage them and teach them how to do the same! We even started to see healings and miracles!

Millie preaching her testimony
Rob ministering in New Zealand
This was our new phase of life and we loved it! God did many great things and we had been to a few countries already ministering and loving on people who were so hungry to know the Lord! 

- Millie

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