Friday, September 23, 2011

Blind Faith - preparing for village ministry and service.

Us at the Alaska State Fair
We have just had an amazing time here in Alaska. When God calls you somewhere, He certainly knows what He is doing! So far, we've had many opportunities to minister since we've been led to stay. As soon as we arrived in Alaska, one of the main things we heard about was the Alaska State Fair. It happens once a year to close out the summer, and is the only fair with entertainment of it's kind. When we accepted our heavenly assignment for Alaska and did not take our flight back to Charlotte, we decided to head to the fair to see what all the hype was about. When we arrived, one of the first things we came in contact with was a “Spiritual Reading” tent. Some of the Master's Commission team we were with went up to them. In my head I thought, “Oh that's so good! They are witnessing to the psychics!” As I come closer I saw scriptures on the walls and I could hear prayers throughout the tent. This certainly was no psychic tent! This was a prophetic evangelism tent! I was so excited to see this as I have never seen one in action before. I was honored when they offered for me to join them, but I nicely declined as my husband and son were with me. We spent some time there and went on our way to check out the rest of the fair, however as we walked away I could not get the opportunity out of my head. “How can I just walk away?” I thought to myself. This was such a chance for God to use me to impact people. I had to go back. I handed Tor off to my husband Rob and got back to the tent as fast as I could. They were delighted to see me return and I headed right to the back for training, prayer and 
Spiritual Reading Tent
impartation. Soon enough I was teamed up with a partner, and people were filing in to get a “Spiritual Reading”. Although I cannot give out too much information because I feel it is confidential I can say that I really saw such a hunger stirred up from people to know God and that it was so incredibly fruitful with right on prophetic words from God! One person even asked “So, God is okay with this?” People who have had such a view of a distant God were opened up to the reality that there is an intimate real God waiting to have a relationship with them! It was truly amazing! I had an amazing time seeing God change lives right in front of me.

Since then we have been building relationships with the people here in Alaska. Rob has ministered a few times with the youth group at our church, Master's Commission and in the main services of the church itself. We've seen God do amazing things here and we are just so thankful to everyone who has welcomed us and helped us begin to get established here. God provided a place for us to live, a van, clothes, jackets and so much. We are speechless with how quickly God confirmed that we are, without a doubt, supposed to be here.

So in the midst of the opportunities to minister and the friendships and trust we are building here in Alaska, an exciting door has opened before us to minister to some native villages in the interior of the state. First thing this morning we are packing to leave and we are thrilled about it!

We've heard that there are some intense issues in these villages we are going to, however we know that we in and of ourselves cannot do anything alone about these issues but as we've so clearly so many times seen God do the miraculous in villages we've visited in other nations - we know we can rely on God to do the same here for the villages in our own nation! I count it a privilege to be able to serve all the different types of people found in our own nation. It is an honor.

I can say that as we go along to the villages I will try to keep the blog somewhat updated to keep you informed of all that is happening. I know I will have amazing testimonies to share!

Please pray for these things for us as we go: the road conditions are safe (rumors are that there is snow already along the passes we will have to drive through), that we will have a peaceful trip free of stress or distractions, that we will have favor in the villages and they will open their hearts to what God wants to do in their life! Pray for our safety and Holy Spirit opportunities to serve these people.

Thank you for your prayers. We love and appreciate you dearly!


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