Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Loving on Fairbanks!

I woke up as late as I could yesterday morning which was about 8:00 AM sharp. I had to be awake early enough once again to get myself ready, get the baby ready, make breakfast and pack lunch and snacks for the day for the family, yet also have everything packed up and out of our little cabin before we departed. We left a little after 9:30 AM and headed to Fairbanks. We could not figure out how long it would take us to get there from Tok because we were getting different answers from our GPS, our phones, the internet (if we could get service) and everyone we asked. Some said 5-6 hours and some said 2-3. It wound up taking us about 3 hours total. Since our meeting at the Community Tribal Hall was at 3 pm, we arrived about an hour early. My brother who is serving in the Army walked an hour to be there with us and was already there. The worship team started at 2 and played old time hymns for about 2 and a half hours and they prayed and even even sang a song in their native language. One of the worship leaders would speak between songs about the hope God has given him and even bought him through such a difficult time as when his son committed suicide. The crowd grew and grew and even some homeless where coming off the streets! Rob was introduced by the pastor and gave our testimonies with great authority. The people started shouting for joy as Rob described how God had delivered him. By the end of the meeting Rob stayed and ministered for hours with accurate words of knowledge to the crowd. Its was so powerful!

After a while they brought out food for the church and the homeless and we already had to head to the next meeting. Titus napped in the car as Rob went to support and serve a friend at another ministry event as she preached and they imparted at the end of the service. It was another amazing day of miracles!

By the end of the day I was running out of supplies like diapers, wipes and food for the next day. I loved being able to drive down the street to a Walmart to grab the things we needed! Our family is very weary and tired and thankful to take showers and rest. We cannot wait to see what God has in store for tomorrow!
- Millie

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